Apply for Medicine > Study Medicine > UK Medical Schools > Kent & Medway Medical School

Kent & Medway Medical School

Medical School in England


Fees (International/Non-EU students): "£45,000."
Interview Style: MMI
Course Structure: Integrated

Study Medicine at Kent & Medway Medical School

The five-year integrated medical programme offered at KMMS involves education through lectures, small-group teaching, placements and more, that ultimately awards a medical degree jointly by University of Kent and Canterbury Christ Church University.

In the first two years, students learnthe fundamental medical knowledge through a systems-based learning approach. This includes undertaking a variety of biomedical, social and professionalism modules and students have the opportunity to also develop basic clinical skills.

In the third year, students expand their clinical training and education through attachments in different healthcare settings and across some different specialities.

During the fourth year, clinical knowledge is further developed through more extensive placements in specialist rotations. Students will also have the chance during this year to work on a research project to develop their research skills and understanding.

The final year of education focuses on preparing for the Foundation programme through regional attachments and more intensive development of certain clinical skills such as patient management, diagnostic reasoning and communication.

Get mentored by medical students at Kent & Medway Medical School

Being a founding KMMS student is a very special experience that you can’t get at any other medical school. You have the opportunity to mould the student experience, the student union, the Medsoc and even the curriculum to what you want it to be. It’s the only medical school in the South East of England and offers so many amazing opportunities from the very first year; including clinical placements from the very first term.

KMMS is a joint medical school, a collaboration of Canterbury Christchurch University and University of Kent. Being a student of both universities means that you have access to all resources, events and facilities at both universities and two brand new buildings! One of the most special parts is the emphasis on interprofessional learning, not only will you be having lectures with your fellow medics but with students on allied healthcare courses too! KMMS uses an integrated teaching style and dissection of cadavers, so if you’re a hands-on learner it will be perfect for you. KMMS also puts a lot of emphasis on the interview process rather than personal statement and their MMI’s are quite different to other medical schools so make sure you read the guidance!

Canterbury is a beautiful place to study and being able to switch from the Kent campus, which is quite scenic and the CCU campus which is based in the city, is a privilege that not many students have. Make sure you come for an open day and experience the city of Canterbury for yourself; there is so much to do, historical tours, walking by the canal, punting, high-street shopping; it’s an amazing place to study!’

-by Venus, 1st year medical student in the UK, at the Kent & Medway Medical School

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