Norwich Medical School

Medical School in England


Fees (International/Non-EU students): £31,200 pa
Interview Style: MMI
Course Structure: Integrated

Study Medicine at Norwich Medical School

Norwich Medical School ( previously known as University of East Anglia School of Medicine Health Policy and Practice) offers a five-year, integrated medical course. The teaching incorporates lectures, tutorials, labs and workshops and students receive earlyclinical exposure.

In the first year, students cover the ‘foundations of medicine and the musculoskeletal system’ which includes physiology, anatomy, genetics and pathology as well as ethics,law, psychology and public health, etc. Students also learn the basics of communication and professionalism. Students also get the opportunity to work within an interprofessional team with students from other UEA healthcare courses.

During the second year, students undertake a module in Blood and Skin, the Respiratory System and the Cardiovascular System. Throughout the first two years students also havesome clinical placements that allow development of skills such as history-takingand diagnostic reasoning.

The third year covers the digestive system, the renal and urological system, the nervoussystem and endocrine system. Clinical education also expands further and students gainsome exposure to general surgery. Important principles in diagnosis, examination and patient management is also covered in these modules.

In the fourth year, students cover a range of specialties including paediatrics, mentalhealth, obstetrics and gynaecology, palliative care and oncology. There is also an opportunity to undertake an elective at the end of the year.

Final year students undertake placements in emergency settings (in A&E, primary care,ICU and operating theatres) and prepare for their future role within the Foundation programme which includes a student assistantship to shadowa Foundation doctor.

Students can also undertake an intercalated Master’s degree after the third or fourthyear in research, clinical education, molecular medicine, cognitive neuroscience or health economics.

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