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University of Edinburgh

Medical School in Scotland


Fees (International/Non-EU students): Years 1-3: £32,100 pa; Years 4-6: £49,900 pa
Interview Style: MMI
Course Structure: Integrated

Study Medicine at The University of Edinburgh

Medicine at Edinburgh is a six-year course that aims to shape medical doctors who arewell-equipped to face the challenges presented by modern medicine.

The first two years involves studying anatomy, microbiology, pathology, social sciencesand ethics.Basic clinical skills are also taught through workshops, GP placements andcommunity projects including certain consultation skills, resuscitation/firstaid, and clinical reasoning, etc.

In the third year students undertake a intercalation degree in a field of interest thatalso involves a research project and obtain a BMedSci (Hons) degree at the end of it.Such programmes offered include biochemistry, neuroscience, sport-science medicine,pharmacology, psychology and zoology, etc.

In the fourth and fifth year students focus on expanding skills, knowledge andexperience of clinical practice in a range of attachments at hospitals, GPs and otherhealthcare settings. In the fifth in particular, students obtain a vast range ofexperiencein different medical and surgical specialties.

The final year predominantly focuses on preparation for the Foundation Programme thatstudents will enter shortly after graduation and the roles and responsibilities involvedin being a junior doctor.After the final year student can also undertake anelective abroad or in the UK to get a chance to experience Medicine in differentcultures or countries or in a special area of interest.

Get mentored by medical students at University of Edinburgh

Edinburgh runs a six-year MBChB programme, delivered through a combination of didactic teaching (lectures, seminars), interactive sessions (tutorials, small-group teaching), hands-on learning opportunities (clinical skills teaching, GP placements), with a strong focus on developing well-rounded, conscientious clinicians and academics.

Edinburgh is one of the earliest medical schools (if not the first) to incorporate formal data science teaching into its MBChB programme, in the belief that the doctors of tomorrow should possess skillsets that better embrace developments and technological advancements in medicine and medical research.

The course adopts a three-phase approach. The first phase (Years 1 and 2) place more emphasis on the medical sciences, with students learning about the scientific and clinical discoveries that form the basis of evidence-based medicine. Despite a focus on pre-clinical knowledge during this initial phase, opportunities for clinical exposure and clinical skills development exist - clinical skills teaching sessions are delivered periodically throughout the year; additionally, Year 2 students undertake the Introduction to Clinical Practice (ICP) module, where clinical examination and history-taking skills are taught by a designated GP tutor in a general practice setting.

The second phase consists of a single (mandatory*) Intercalated year, with all Year 3 MBChB students undertaking a BMedSci (Hons) degree of their choosing. A total of 23* distinct options for intercalation exist, providing students with ample opportunities to explore an area of interest to them outside Medicine, while providing opportunities to develop research skills at one of the world’s most renowned research universities. For students who are especially inclined to academia, and who are deeply interested in undertaking additional training in research, a number of intercalated PhD opportunities exist.

In the final clinical phase (three years), students will be afforded the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have accrued over the years in a clinical setting, through clinical placements in the teaching hospitals and GP practices in and around Edinburgh, as well as further afield in other regions of Scotland. Beginning in Year 5, students will have the opportunity to explore certain specialty areas and undertake a research project in collaboration with a clinical tutor. Year 6 focuses on the refinement of previously-developed practical skills, as well as the development of more advanced clinical skills in areas such as general and acute medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, anaesthetics and intensive care. Opportunities to undertake an elective outside the UK for 6 weeks exist after Year 6 finals, and is an opportunity to explore practicing medicine in a non-UK setting.

Saya sudi membantumu sepanjang proses permohonan kursus perubatan diUniversity of Edinburgh - usahlah segan bertanya tentang pengalaman sayasebagai pelajar perubatan di Edinburgh!

请·多多指教!希望您愿意前来与我交谈 也希望我能够为您解答您对爱丁堡医学系的任何疑问!

-by Edward, currently studying medicine in Scotland, at the University of Edinburgh


* Please confirm all relevant information on this page with your medical school application mentor

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