University of Glasgow

Medical School in Scotland


Fees (International/Non-EU students): £49,950
Interview Style: Traditional
Course Structure: Integrated

Study Medicine at The University of Glasgow

Glasgow offers a five-year medical course with a spiral curriculumthat incorporateslectures, problem-based learning and small-group teaching as well as clinical placementsacross West Scotland. The course is divided into four phases.

Phase one,which takes place during the first half of first year,involves learning theprinciples of biomedical science, developing basic clinical skills and clinical learningthrough visits to the A&E and GPs.

During Phase two,which lasts for the remainder of first year and entire secondyear,students cover modules in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology amongothers through a systems-based approach. Vocational and professional studies also takeplace during the first two phases as well as development of clinical and communicationskills.

In Phase three, during the first half of third year, students explore the body systemsfrom a pathophysiological point of view through small-group case-based teaching sessionswith clinical tutors. Clinical skills are also expanded further to includevital procedural skills in preparation for Phase four.

Phase four lasts from the second half of the third year until midway through fifth year.The majority of clinical education principally takes place during this phase throughplacements at hospitals, GPs and other clinical settings. Students expand theirclinical knowledge through a number of specialist placements in disciplines such asPaediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, etc.

The final stage of the medical course involves Preparation for Practice (PfP) in whichstudents undertake a Foundation doctor shadowing programme along with lectures as partof their final training for their future role as a junior doctor.

Students will also have the chance to undertake Student-Selected Components (SSCs) toallows them to study in any field of interest. Uniquely, Glasgow also offers twoelective periods during the summer of the third and fourth years in any specialty ofinterest to the student.

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