Apply for Medicine > Study Medicine > UK Medical Schools > University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

Medical School in England


Fees (International/Non-EU students): £34,550 pa
Interview Style: MMI
Course Structure: Integrated

Study Medicine at The University of Liverpool

The five-yearmedical course offered by Liverpool utilises a spiral-style curriculum inwhich each year revisits and builds upon the knowledge learnt in the previous years togradually consolidate and expand level of understanding.

The first two years involves students being taught the fundamentals of medical sciencewhich is delivered through a systems-based approach that integrates physiology, anatomy,genetics, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology as well the basic clinicalcontexts in which this knowledge is relevant. The first year focuses on the systems inhealth whereas, in the second year, focus is shifted to ‘abnormality and illness’. Thislearning is delivered through lectures, seminars,small-group teaching, practicals, etc.

In the third year, students gain experience in the fundamentals of medicine and surgeryand ‘core clinical practice’. This involves placements in hospitals, GP and otherhealthcare settings. These placements go hand-in-hand with a week of academic teachingto facilitate the clinical education through lectures, clinical skills prep and clinicalsimulations. Students also have the opportunity to undertake research projects andscholarship projects.

The structure of the fourth year is similar to that of the previous year but the focusis on ‘specialist and challenging clinical practice’. This involves broadening clinicalknowledge and experience through placements across the different medical andsurgical specialties. This includes paediatrics, women’s health, palliative care,neurology, etc.

Between the fourth and fifth year, students have an elective period, during which theycan study abroad or in the UK, in any clinical speciality of interest to them.

The final year predominantly focuses on extensive preparation for the students’ futurerole as a junior doctor. This involves placements in Emergency and Acute ClinicalMedicine, Psychiatry, etc. During this year, students also have a shadowing opportunitywith a current foundation doctor as well as the chance to undertake a research projectin a medical speciality, a community-based project or a Quality Improvement project.

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